3rd Annual All Chapter Meeting, Germany


GERMANY – The Niner Empire Germany 3rd Annual All Chapter Meeting was a big success. Huge shout out to The Niner Empire Germany Sachsen Chapter for making this possible. Next year they will do it even bigger and better. See you there Niner fam!

Seattle Faithful Polar Bears


SEATTLE WA. – Seattle Niners Faithful took the Polar Plunge today. They won the Team Spirit, Best Costume and Largest Team awards.

They would have swept the awards but after they got mentioned on local news, it encouraged another team to get a big donation to pass us for most raised. BUT, they take pride in knowing they caused that!

They had 23 plungers who raised $6500 for Special Olympics!


Welcome SB50 to The Bay with a song!

San Francisco, CA. – Sixteen year old 49ers fan and recording artist Anjali Asha is welcoming Super Bowl 50 with a song. She released her video on Friday night via social media and has been getting a great response from all over the world.

This beautiful song which she wrote herself is all about the city that she loves as is seen in the back drop of the music video. Great job by one of our own who tailgates at every game with Levi’s Stadium’s “Tailgater of the Year” winners Empire Row.  – GO NINERS!!!

Portland 49ers Represent With Class


PORTLAND, OR – After hearing about a Portland area Packers fan being assaulted by Seahawks fans, Joshus Billups the founder of  our Portland Chapter and his members went in together to get him a new Packers Jersey.