Dom Dela – Tatt
Dom Dela: Representing in San Francisco, CA. Artist: Damon Rischowsky Shop: Lucky Stars Tattoos
49er Tattoos, Niner Empire Tattoos,
Dom Dela: Representing in San Francisco, CA. Artist: Damon Rischowsky Shop: Lucky Stars Tattoos
Angel Cano – Repping in Irwingdale, CA. Artist: Louie Shop: Under the Gun in Hollywood, CA.
Repping in Berlin Center, Ohio! Repping in Berlin Center, Ohio! Tattoo by Donald Hankey at Tried and True Tattoo
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Gary Smith While in SF for the Sundays game UK’s Gary Smith got this Dwight Clark tattoo as a birthday present. “Took 4…
Caleb Rhoades representing in San Antonio, TX Tattoo by: