Empire Row Tailgate in AZ
Phoenix, AZ – The Empire Row Tailgate crew made their first trip outside of Levis Stadium this past weekend for the 49er’s vs Cardinals game in Arizona. The game obviously did not go as was expected but any 49er fan who attended the Empire Row Tailgate came away with smiles from a memorable tailgate experience.
Empire Row member Auggie Perez and his Mine 49 bar setup which was hauled down from the bay was up and ready to go early.
The EPT Chapter also joined in coming in all the way from El Paso, Texas. As fans started showing up this Niner Party was just getting started.
Empire Row Road Trip organizers Antonio Arevalo of The Red Zone Tailgate and Denise Niner of TNE Organization doing this for the fan base.
Empire Row’s own Abel Rueda of FFF aka Forty Niner Faithful Forum getting down on the grill
Pete Chavez of EPT brought their Texas Tub with them.
Auggie Perez, Antonio Arevalo and Denise Niner with Gary Fowler and his Saloon Squad from the West LA Chapter, along with Switzerland Chapter founder Lionel who flew in for the game.
Rhino with ladies of the Empire
All the way from Chihuahua, Mexico joined the party
The ladies were definitely representing
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