We are a global organization of San Francisco 49ers fans,
bringing together a community of supporters, fans and clubs of the San Francisco 49ers, an NFL team.
We unite fans from all over the world who share a passion for their team, and connect with a true sense of camaraderie.
Our organization engages in various activities, events, and social gatherings to celebrate and support the San Francisco 49ers. It serves as a platform for fans to connect, share their enthusiasm, and collectively contribute to the fan experience.
We keep our fellow fans interests at heart.
If you’re a 49ers fan, you are forever a part of the Faithful 49er Empire Family!
Bring Faithfuls together from all over the globe!
From the lone fan representing in unfriendly territory, to the backyard BBQ’s, viewing parties, get togethers, clubs, chapters, and events.
Together As One
Continue to pave the way forward
by always putting fellow fans needs first.
We’re the most organized fan base ever
passing on our legacy on
to future generations!
In addition to celebrating our team through thick and thin,
We give back to our communities through charities and outreach.